Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Seat Loop, Part 1

Alright, so the seat loop finally came in. This is a big step for the bike, it brings the full form of the frame together and also integrates the rear signaling devices. I.E. Brake light, Turn Signals, Running light. So, bending steel isn’t really my thing, and while that never stopped me from doing anything in the past, this loop has a fancy little indent that the signal light lays flush in. There is no way I could have achieved that on my own, so I ordered it……From England. Full price for the thing, with the light, and shipping. $80.00. And I got to make a new English buddy who had lots of questions about why we would elect Donald Trump president.

Installation was remarkably straight forward. Cut to desired length, Open up the frame, Cut notches in loop to overlap with frame, apply generous booger welds, Grind grind, grind, grind. Honestly we are not done with the grinding yet, that will be part 2. By the time all is done, there will be some little gussets that come up from the bottom to give it a smoother transition and everything will be brought smooth and level, filled with bondo, and painted. With any luck, it will be indistinguishable from the rest of the frame. My artistic abilities aside, the thing is on there. I picked the bike up by it last night and put my full weight on it without any give. Mom will make a comment right now about strong the weld must be….ya know, because im fat. Anyway, here are abunch of pics and your daily dose of the girls being silly. 

Thursday, May 4, 2017


                  The tank arrived last night. It would be a stretch to call it perfect, there is one minor dent and a chip. I couldn't do a very good job of capturing either. They are simply that minuscule. The paint is great, Ill get some polish and it will be like new. No rust anywhere. It needs a lid, a petcock, and the mounting rubber and it will be ready to roll. I cant believe how much money I was about to spend on far shittier tanks. 110 dollars I ended up paying for this thing. The guy who built my carbs had a buddy down the street who had this lying around. Maroon wasnt my first choice, never would have gone for it if left to my own devices. But this thing is too pretty to repaint and now that its sitting there, I kinda like it.

This box may not look like much, but inside is a set of Mikuni carbs, with custom intakes and afew other magical bit and pieces that are going to make the bike run like new. They are the heart of the machine and I hope they are worth the $550 that was spent on them. Literally more than the bike itself and easily the most expensive component of this machine. Ive spent enough time dicking around with carbs on other projects that I am now of the belief they are not worth fucking around with, I lack the time, patience, and sobriety required to reconstruct a set of carbs. Better to buy new, bolt it on, and be done with shit. A claimed boost of 20HP and 35Ft/LBS of torque may also have played slightly into my decision.