Alright, so the seat loop finally
came in. This is a big step for the bike, it brings the full form of the frame
together and also integrates the rear signaling devices. I.E. Brake light, Turn
Signals, Running light. So, bending steel isn’t really my thing, and while that
never stopped me from doing anything in the past, this loop has a fancy little
indent that the signal light lays flush in. There is no way I could have
achieved that on my own, so I ordered it……From England. Full price for the
thing, with the light, and shipping. $80.00. And I got to make a new English
buddy who had lots of questions about why we would elect Donald Trump
Installation was remarkably
straight forward. Cut to desired length, Open up the frame, Cut notches in loop
to overlap with frame, apply generous booger welds, Grind grind, grind, grind.
Honestly we are not done with the grinding yet, that will be part 2. By the
time all is done, there will be some little gussets that come up from the
bottom to give it a smoother transition and everything will be brought smooth
and level, filled with bondo, and painted. With any luck, it will be
indistinguishable from the rest of the frame. My artistic abilities aside, the
thing is on there. I picked the bike up by it last night and put my full weight
on it without any give. Mom will make a comment right now about strong the weld
must be….ya know, because im fat. Anyway, here are abunch of pics and your
daily dose of the girls being silly.
Some people might question whether you are a welder or a grinder.
You should tig weld that. Spend 20 more seconds on the joint and leave the grinder on the bench.
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