Saturday, April 7, 2018

THE GARDENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       As part of the 2018 Spring backyard renovation, we have put in some pretty dope raised gardens. Four at present, though only two are planted presently. Obviously they are galvanized cattle troughs so they should last pretty much forever. Hundred bucks apiece at the ole Tractor Supply. Also got some bitchen flannel shirts while I was there. Filled the bottom half with palm fronds. Those should decompose rather slowly, occupying space i would otherwise have to fill with valuable soil, and eventually add to the organic content of the soil. Palm Fronds are actually kind of a minor ecological issue in Phoenix, so finding a semi adequate use for them is kind of a plus as well. 
       Planted some junk in there on a whim around xmas, results are not worth pictures. But we are pretty dialed in now and should have some Tomatoes and Peppers in pretty short order. Each plants gets its own drip line. Watered twice per day for 10 minutes at some absurdly low setting. So we are wasting little to no water, unless you consider gardening in general kind of a waste of water, which is open for negotiation. To that end, an additional trough has been purchased which will soon be utilized for rainwater collection and storage, more on that later. 

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